

Thursday 19 May 2016

10 most kind nations in the world

 The United States of America has been named as the world’s most kind nation in the world as its citizens give the most to charity, according to a new story by the Charities Aid Foundation (CAF).

USA, New Zealand and Canada have the highest rate of generous donations as a percentage gross home product (GDP), the story found.
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The annual index exposed the most generous countries in the world based on the highest charitable donations as a percentage of their gross domestic product (GDP). CAF’s report took data from countries accounting for around 75 per cent of worldwide GDP and 53 per cent of the world population.
The United States score, in terms of helpful giving by individuals as a profit of GDP, was recorded at 1.44%, in New Zealand at 0.79%, in Canada at 0.77% and in the UK at 0.54%.
The report also analysed the impact of taxation and government expenses and the amount given to charity and found there was “no important correlation” except for employer social security charges, highlighting the complexity behind people’s decisions of when to give and how much.
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Adam Pickering, international policy manager at CAF, said, “Across the 24 nations we studied, we found no important link between government spending, income or corporation tax and the proportion of GDP donated by individuals”.
“This suggests the association between the amount of taxes people pay and the amount they give to charity is not as clear cut as some may have thought. The factors which motivate people to give, and pressure how much they give, are incredibly complex”, he added.
Here are the 10 most generous nations in the world:

1) United States of America 
 2) New Zealand
   3) Canada    
   4) United Kingdom 
   5) Republic of Korea  
   6) Singapore
   7) India
  8) Russia    
  9) Italy
  10) The Netherland

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